Programming Blockchain: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch

Programming Blockchain: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch

Programming Blockchain: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch
Programming Blockchain: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch

Jimmy Song is known in the cryptocurrency world as a strong advocate of Bitcoin and the better world Bitcoin is building for the future. Jimmy Song is also an experienced programmer who evangelizes developers to programming Blockchain.

With his book “Programming Blockchain: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch”, Jimmy Song offers you a unique dive into the heart of Bitcoin technology.

This technical book is mainly intended for developers but it may be of interest to non-technical people who want to get to the heart of Bitcoin technology.

As you progress through the book, you will learn how to parse, validate and create Bitcoins transactions and then use Script, the smart contract language behind Bitcoin.

The consensus mechanism of the Proof-of-Work which is at the heart of Bitcoin will no longer have any secrets for you either, as will the cryptographic primitives and the management of public/private cryptographic keys performed at the Bitcoin Blockchain. All code examples within “Programming Blockchain: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch” are written in Python 3 which is one of the most popular programming languages currently available and has the advantage of being easy to access.

This book is a must-read and I recommend it even to non-developers who would like to go further in their understanding of the Bitcoin Blockchain.

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