The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

In March 2023, a new banking crisis broke out in America, with repercussions in Europe.
This banking crisis was an opportunity to remind us that these crises which continue to recur are not due to chance. There’s a reason banking crises have been happening over and over forever. And you will understand this by reading the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve“.
Released in 1994, this book is more relevant than ever as the flaws in the current monetary and financial system are more exposed than ever to the general public.
Reading this book will help you better understand what is going on right now with the Fed and the FDIC trying to save the American system by all means in defiance of their own rules…
You will understand that these crises are part of the way the system works and that they are repeated again and again and again.
It is not a coincidence. The system is flawed by design.
This system was designed with bank bailouts in mind. This should reinforce your belief that you absolutely must find a way out.
Until the launch of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto on January 3, 2009, you had no alternative. Since then, a decentralized alternative open to all has continued to grow. You probably recognize what I’m talking about. This is Bitcoin. This is the best alternative in my eyes, and it seems to me that reading this book will help you better understand why we need Bitcoin more than ever.